KANSAS CITY – APRIL 3, 2017 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE.   Today, Mersoft announces the latest release of its popular and innovative Mersoft stream™. The engineering team of this Kansas City-based technology company has disrupted the market yet again with new features.

A new SFU or “Selective Forwarding Unit”: It creates a 1-to-many relationship for media streams that range from a few connections to thousands and does so without transcoding.  As a result, Mersoft stream™ outperforms other technologies with its much lower latency and a very small processing footprint.

HLS integration with CDN integration: Customers can now create even more versatile products by selecting either a WebRTC or HLS stream for use in their client application. This option is especially useful when leveraging a content delivery network (CDN). Now, customers can leverage Mersoft to build apps that can broadcast not just to hundreds or thousands of clients, but now millions. With it’s stateless architecture, Mersoft servers can be horizontally scaled enabling both load distribution and geographic redundancy across the globe.

Mersoft stream™ still runs both as a SaaS solution managed by the excellent pro services team at Mersoft, or hosted in a client’s datacenter.  With flexible pricing options and a talented system integration team, it’s never been easier for companies to integrate new live media.

Mersoft CEO Ron Sloop commented, “The Mersoft product team continues to impress. After months of work, this is one of the biggest releases of new features in quite some time. We’re very proud of the team and already getting significant attention especially from companies needing to scale with large volume.“

To learn more, visit https://mersoft.com, or email [email protected] to arrange a discussion or demo.